Our team has vast experience creating high-performance tools, such as large-scale simulator and game synthetic environment generation frameworks.

Simverge was founded on June 2017 by Jaime Soto, a software engineer from Central Florida that has worked since 2005 in creating high-performance applications for large-scale synthetic environment visualization, inspection, and generation.

Our staff has worked on:

 Designing and developing high-performance, large-scale terrain generation tools and frameworks for military training simulators such as OneSAF, JCATS, JSAF (CTDB), and WARSIM

Building tools to view and create synthetic environments for gaming platforms such as Unity, Unreal Engine 4, and VBS3 and virtual worlds such as Second Life

 Processing, reprojecting, and interpreting geographic information systems (GIS) data such as elevation rasters, satellite imagery rasters, vector features in the Shapefile format, LIDAR point clouds, and terrain surface meshes represented as triangulated irregular networks (TIN)

Developing parallel and distributed software solutions across multiple platforms